We envision a system of systems to manage the increasing complexity of our energy systems.
In ZellNetz2050, the proof-of-concept for an energy system based on the cellular concept (or web-of-cells concept) is provided, including a complete system and market model oriented at solving the specific challenges of a 100% renewable energy system. For this purpose, one of the most extensive and detailed models for the German energy system in the year 2050 is created and used in a complex optimisation model as well as in a real-time operational model. A strong emphasis lies on an integrative approach, taking into account the existing infrastructure, and interoperability by standardisation of the interface to maintain compatibility to other approaches.
The primary scientific questions are
- Is a cellular energy system efficient and economically feasible?
- How does a celluar energy market has to be designed to address the specific challenges of the energy transition, especially the integration of many small flexibility providers?
- Is a cellular energy system manageable during system operation?
- What is the ideal compromise between transmission capacity and local flexibility utilisation?

Project duration: 5/2019 - 12/2022
Scope: National project (Germany)
Microfocus: Trading flexibilities
Evaluation of trading mechanisms or prizes for flexibilities or ways of remuneration of flexibility providers
Macrofocus: Organisational & market structure
Evaluation of organization and market structures for a comprehensive application of flexibilities on a macro level
Degree of Prosumer & consumer involvement: Medium
Evaluation of their needs and expectations as flexibility providers as main part of the project
Technical Readiness Level (TRL):